Our Community Lunch and Learns are designed to offer parents and caregivers insights and information regarding specific pediatric conditions.

Join us for a chef-prepared luncheon and presentations from Dr Brian Kaufman and Dr Matthew Geck.  This presentation will include the following topics:

  • Future direction and vision for Spine Surgery at Dell Children's Medical Center.
  • Panel discussion with a question and answer session with our Board-certified Spine Surgeons and our Spine Nurse Navigator.
  • Spinal conditions treated and services offered including non-surgical bracing treatments.

Location Information

  • April 7th 2020 from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM CDT
  • Dell Children's Medical Center of Central Texas
  • 4900 Mueller Blvd, Austin, TX, 78723 US



  • April 7, 2020

    April 7, 2020

    April 7, 2020

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